Enough Excel: Why Your Consulting Tools Matter
Modern digital tools offer hope that the clunky processes developed using Excel and in the worst cases—15 year old Microsoft Access files—will be made obsolete.
Solutions Go In The Recycling Bin, Not The Trash Bucket.
“The effective decision-maker, therefore, always assumes initially that the problem is generic.” - Peter F. Drucker
Who Amble Helps & How
But do not mistake Amble for merely an internal ideation tool. Its incredibly powerful graph database allows for an astute understanding of emerging trends and the ways they will impact your industry and clients.
Social Making. Not Social Media.
There's the colorful language, comic relief, and cute pet videos that offer us consumers a moment of escape from our ever-busying lives. But at what cost?
Idea Inertia
A snowball effect takes place and the story starts writing itself while you're simply along for the ride.
Scoping: The Hidden Hurdle of Software Development
The fascinating thing about innovative technology is that it all starts out like this —simply a string of thoughts and connections expressed and shared between two or more people.
Solving Misalignment Across Plants & Sites
Site and plant misalignment is a treatable problem, but organizations often fail in taking action until it's too late.